Charitable Requests
Non-Profit policy
Thank you for reaching out to Katonah Reading Room about your not-for-profit. Although we would LOVE to support every cause in the area, we have to pick and choose or we’ll go out of business loving up all of the great organizations out there. In order to be as fair as possible in our giving, here are our request criteria…
– In a calendar year, January to January, we can only consider ONE request per not for profit.
– We prioritize our giving to causes directly related to local children and literature or nutrition. Due to the sheer numbers of sports teams, we do not give to sports causes, we couldn’t possibly choose! We also do not give to organizations which then donate to other organizations, we only give direct to local not-for-profit causes. You can submit a request by email to – on how your cause fits these needs, preferably more than three weeks before the event. We like to give books or baskets when possible in lieu of journal ads. It feels more personal and relevant.
– Please remember that we get TONS of requests a year. We can only help so many people and love to do it, but we are a SMALL, LOCAL business.
All requests should come via email: We need time to consider each request and if you come in to the store and request an immediate gift, we will have a hard time meeting your needs.
If you are looking to post a flier or leave a pamphlet, we’re sorry but we don’t have room. We do, however, happily post fliers or information for events on our social media (thousands of followers!) if you email the info to
And lastly, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! We have been on your side of the fence too – we know how hard it is to get support for your cause and understand your efforts and THANK YOU for the work you do!