Back to reality

I don’t know about you, but I’m barely hanging on this week. September for me always brings on the blues. The doubts. The sleepless nights. More than New Year’s, September is always a time of looking at my life and saying “what the hell am I doing”. I create goals, make promises to be better, and try to dig out of depression. I promise myself I’ll exercise, get on a better organized schedule, eat out less, work harder, and make good healthy choices…but frankly all of that bores the shit out of me. I want to see friends and eat apple pie and watch good tv.

So this morning instead of dragging myself to work where I should have been, my car pointed in the direction of a good friend and her coffee and new kitten and I happily re-invigorated myself with her company (well, their company if you count the cats) and honestly I felt so much better. So, my advice to you on the worst week of the year as far as I’m concerned, is veer. Veer hard and visit a friend, take a minute to watch a show or read a book and just breathe. Best of luck especially to the parents who are getting back to the year and dealing with everyone’s needs but their own. My heart goes out to you.

Also, the friend was Amy, and both her cats and her photography skills are so kind to my old face that I’ll even post the photo she snuck of me.


Bliss Montage Stories, by Ling Ma

