Staff Review: The Hundred Waters by Lauren Acampora

A dark suburban tale as only Acampora can write. Can you see yourself? Your neighbors? Your children? Maybe not, but pieces sting and nettle, appearing from the pages and getting too close to ignore. A fabulous tale of a young environmental warrior, dangerous, fearless, and only slightly misdirected…or perhaps not misdirected at all. Youngsters sad and broken by the world, easy to ignite, easy to pull from their parents safety in the name of craved independence, angry at the world and disillusioned by the forces out of their control. Food for all of your parenting fears and reminders of all of your insecurities and regrets as you leave your own youth behind as a parent. Of course I absolutely loved it. - Gretchen

Lauren Acampora is a local author and this title comes out August 23rd. To pre-order your copy, text us at 914.334.8019 or order through


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Staff Review: “Ghosts”